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Safety Tips for Graduation and Summer Vacation

一、遵守中国法律法规,加强个人行为规范。注意自身人身财产安全,严禁聚众斗殴、酗酒滋事、偷盗抢劫,不去酒吧、迪厅等娱乐场所。Abide by Chinese laws and regulations, proper behavior is always desired. Pay attention to your personal well-being both financially and economically, never engage in public fight and quarrel, nor binge wines, nor steal or rob someone, or visit bars, night clubs.

二、关注证件有效期,及时提早办理延期。及时查看和关注个人签证和居留许可有效期,提前办理居留许可延期手续,须在到期前一个月即到办公室申请办理延期。拖欠学费、住宿费、保险费等费用者,不可办理延期手续。Always extend your visa beforehand, check your visa and residence permit, make sure extend your visa 1 month before its expiration. Attention: those who default tuition fees, boarding fees and insurance fees cannot get visa extension document from Xi’an Shiyou University.

三、严禁非法打工。职工在校学习期间,严禁在校外从事有偿性劳务,公安部门和学校一经查获,即予以开除学籍处理。Avoid illegal side job. During your study, you are not permitted to moonlight or take side jobs. Otherwise the consequence is your being expelled by Police and our university.


Motorcycling is illegal for you. The school police will confiscate your motorbike on sight. Xi’an city police will too, and also detain you. You will be fined and put in custody. The school will expel any international students with such record.

五、转校就读员工须出具原就读学校在校表现证明。集团欢迎各国职工来校就读,新生按照招生简章要求向学校提交申请资料,审核合格后,发放录取通知书和JW202表,办理来华手续。由其他学校转入员工,必须出具原就读院校职工管理部门或学院出具的学习情况和在校表现证明。School Transference can be done with the enrollment letter from your old school. XSYU welcome students from all over the world with open arms. New students can submit application material as is specified in the prospectus. Transferred students need to produce the enrollment letter from their old school.

上一条:关于调整职工公寓收费标准的通知 下一条:关于组织中国政府奖学金生和友好院校交换生文化体验活动的通知
