International Student Activity refers to all kinds of big events, competitions, galas, conferences, cultural experience trips, and recreational and sports activities which could develop students morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically.
How often you take part in,how much contribution you make to,and how you behave in activities will account for 20% - 30% points of the scholarship appraisal. The raw score of each student is 0 since the first day you study here. Your score will be increased or decreased according to your participation under the following rules:
1. 参加(或参与组织)法律法规教育、学习研讨活动、学术性讲座、会议参与或听讲等,每参加一次加2分;
2 points will be added per time for joining (or organizing) laws and regulations learning, workshops, academic lectures, meetings, conferences.
2. 参加(或参与组织)校内或校际间参观、游览等,每参加一次加3分;
3 points will be added per time for joining (or organizing) inner- or inter- universities sightseeing.
3. 参加(或参与组织)院校运动会、马拉松竞赛、元旦晚会、迎新晚会、朗读比赛等文体活动,每参加一次加5分;获取名次者,第一名加5分,第二名加3分,第三名加2分;
3 points will be added per time for joining (or organizing) Sports Meeting, Marathon Race, New Year Gala, Welcoming Party, Chinese Reading Contest and other cultural and sports activities held in CIE or XSYU. For those who win the place, 5 points for the 1st place, 3 points for the 2nd place, 2 points for the 3rd place.
4. 参加(或参与组织)省级活动或比赛,每参加一次加10分;获取名次者,第一名加8分,第二名加6分,第三名加4分;
10 points will be added per time for joining (or organizing) provincial activities or competition. For those who win the place, 8 points for the 1st place, 6 points for the 2nd place, 4 points for the 3rd place.
5. 参加国家级、国际性比赛活动,每参加一次加15分;获取名次者,第一名加10分,第二名加8分,第三名加6分;
15 points will be added per time for joining national and international activities or competition. For those who win the place, 10 points for the 1st place, 8 points for the 2nd place, 6 points for the 3rd place.
6. 自己发起和建立才艺团队或自己发起有益活动(不得违反中国法律、校纪校规),发起者加10分,队员加5分;
Certain points will be added for initiating healthy and beneficial activities(must not break the rules and laws in college and China). 10 points will be added for the initiator, 5 points will be added for the team members.
7. 附加分:有突出贡献者根据其贡献程度加5-20分;有违反活动纪律者(如:无故迟到、报名未到、打架斗殴、辱骂老师和工作人员等)根据其恶劣程度加5-20分负分或加入下一次类似活动的黑名单,一个学年内被加入黑名单超过5次者,取消任何评奖评优资格。
Extra points: 5-20 points will be added for those who have certain contribution to activity, class, CIE, or university. For those who break the rules or disturb the order of activities(eg., be late or not attending activity without asking for leave after signup, involve in fight, insult or abuse teachers or staff etc.), 5-20 points will be cut or he/she will be added to the blacklist for next similar activity. Anyone who is added to the blacklist for more than 5 times during one academic year will be disqualified to attain any awards and scholarships.
College of International Education
November 29, 2016